
Prep Communications team members give back to the communities where they live, work and play through philanthropy, volunteerism and in-kind support.

As a mother of two, our CEO is passionate about career-minded moms, and as a woman of faith, she deeply desires for mothers in the marketplace to feel seen and connected to likeminded women. That’s why she created Restored, a faith community for career-minded moms. The organization unites career-minded mothers by creating access to relevant, Christ-centered resources at convenient times and purposefully equips time-strapped moms with high-value, low-commitment programs and resources that help them step confidently into their multi-pronged role of wife, mother, worker and believer. Restored serves the under-served working mom…the woman who dries alligator tears, feeds hungry bellies, nurses scraped knees and cheers loudest at soccer games – all while running board meetings, leading teams and hitting deadlines.

Learn more about Restored events, read a blog post, or follow Restored on Instagram.